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Middle School

G8 Experiences Great Depression 

By Hannah S., Ruby S., Sophie C., Bianka P., and Kathie L., Grade 8 Concordia Correspondents Team 

The annual Grade 8 “Great Depression Simulation” took place between November 27th and December 3rd at Concordia International School Shanghai. The project was aimed at teaching eighth-grade students about the Great Depression that took place from 1929 to 1941.  

During the simulation, students had to manage their food expenses with a budget of 160 RMB to buy meals for a week.  Additionally, they were given a list of chores to do at home, as well as recording their days in a journal. 

Many students benefited from this simulation because they were able to see their privileges and appreciate the things they had more than before. They were able to learn many life skills such as cooking different dishes and cleaning the house. They realized how much work their ayi did for them.  

“One thing that I remembered from the years before was when the students were working on their stations during class.” said Ms. Chappell. “They loved the Christmas decorations so much!” This reminds us that technology isn’t always the only thing that entertains us, there could be many other things to do when you have free time. In fact, when you start focusing on other things you may find a lot of free time.  

It’s hard to follow the rules for the simulation and many students unfortunately cheated during the activity. “There was a lot of cheating, so a lot of students were not able to get the full experience.” said Ms. Chappell. However, students who do follow all the rules are able to reach deeper reflections than those who cheat. As the 8th grade teachers always say, “You get out of it as much as you put into it!”. 

A student from Grade 9, who experienced the simulation last year, said, “I think it was fun but also very challenging. There were some situations where I had to restrain myself from all the desires. However, it was fun in general. It was useful to help me understand the conditions people were under during the Great Depression.” 

Overall, the Great Depression Simulation was a valuable learning experience for the students as it helped them gain a better understanding of the challenges faced during the Great Depression and the importance of following rules and developing practical skills.