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Early Childhood

A Christmas Message from Our EC Director

Dear Parents, Grandparents, Ayis, and Extended Family Members of the Early Childhood Community,

It has been an active month of December with learning field trips, baking, and craft making. Our young students are filled with joy and curiosity as the Christmas break approaches. They are growing so fast and learning so much!

Signs of the holidays are all over the Concordia campus. As winter deepens, we look forward to the moment when the amount of light each day will increase. Someone once gave me a quote that read, “Out from behind the darkness viewed, the light again RENEWed. May strife and worry cease, with warming rays of joy and peace.” This theme of RENEWal is resonating in a deeper way with me this year. We have been able to do things we couldn’t do during the pandemic. We can celebrate with family and friends and spend time with those we love.

We treasure each and every student in our program. In every sense, they are truly gifts from God who bless us with their unconditional love, innocence, and wonderment.

Thank you all for your commitment to our ongoing partnership in helping your children thrive. I wish you all peace and joy over the break. From all of us in the Early Childhood Division at Concordia Shanghai, we wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and festive New Year full of RENEWal! 

Dr. Bob Cantwell

Early Childhood Director